Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Baby Number 5!


I bet you guys all thought I was 5 weeks overdue by now. Well, at one point I thought I was going to be. This dude was born at 41 weeks and a day (almost a month ago now!). It was the longest I had ever been pregnant and I was very dramatic about it. I'm sure all my real life friends can attest to that with some well deserved eye rolls. I never was more motivated going into labor, which is probably why the whole thing only lasted 2 hours and 30 minutes from the first contraction (I did make it to the hospital!). We have been enjoying every snuggle since.

Well, as all you Instagram and Facebook followers know, I have had a tradition of working on perfecting my brownie recipe during every pregnancy since baby #2. There's just something about third trimester and brownies for me. Can't explain. 

 This pregnancy I was determined to finally crack the brownie code before little dude made his appearance and I actually succeeded. The perfect one bowl, shiny topped, chewy and gooey, chocolatey brownies are now almost within your grasp. And they turn out fabulous gluten free too. I still have yet to actually upload the photos and type up the recipe and all that, but I have every intention of doing that next week. In the meantime, here's a little preview of what's to come...


 You know how my intentions usually go, but hey. I'm a mom of 5 now. I love making recipes and photographing food, but man. I love these kids so much, it doesn't even compare. I'm so thankful to all of you who have stuck around all these years just to have a peak into my crazy kitchen. Love you all. xoxo


  1. You have the most beautiful babies

  2. Congratulations on the new baby. You have a beautiful family. I can hardly wait for that brownie recipe it looks delicious. Best Wishes Barbara Jones

  3. Beautiful family!
    You are so very blessed.

  4. Congratulations on baby #5! I know you have a bunch of siblings but now you have your own brood! How fun!

  5. Congratulations. Absolutely precious children

  6. Tami congratulations!!! Now, recipes Please!

  7. You are the luckiest girl in the world, they are unbelievable beautiful.

  8. Congratulations! He is simply beautiful! Curious what wrap you have on him...if you have to leave your mama's womb, who could argue with that exchange?!

  9. We will be patiently waiting for the recipe. Take your time and enjoy those babies 💜

    1. Meeeee Toooooo as, I love a fantastic brownie. But holidays are fast approaching!

  10. What a beautiful bunch! Obviously you have perfected babies as well as brownies! Congratulations !

  11. What a beautiful family, you are amazing raising five children!

  12. Beautiful babies. Enjoy your time with them ! Had five of my own . 12 grand babies now, so far😁. I look forward to those brownies!

  13. So happy to hear that all went well.Enjoy this beautiful time. They grow so fast! ❤️

  14. Congratulations on both the adorable baby and amazing brownies! 🥰 Well done!!!

  15. Beautiful family - Much love....Gramma of 5 and Gr Gramma of 4....

  16. Oh, what a perfect little squish to add to your other Littles! That fast labor must have been such a relief! 😅 Tickled for you and Samuel. Blessings!

  17. Congratulations on baby #5!! God bless!

  18. Your babies are adorable, congratulations dear. May God bless you all…

  19. Waiting for your brownie recipe…

  20. Congratulations! Beautiful family!

  21. God's blessings and health to you and all your little ones. May they grow in peace and love. Thank you for your efforts on our behalf; that you could even consider us at this time is amazingly unselfish of you. Enjoy your new Little One, all your Littles. Blessings!

  22. Congratulations and God Bless your beautiful family!

  23. Bless!!! Adorable littles & brownies :)))

  24. Toutes mes félicitations ! 🎉🎊🎈🍾 Très belle tribu 🥰

  25. What adorable kids 🥰🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼

  26. Congratulations on your adorable baby boy! What a lovely family you have! Best wishes to you all! 🥰

  27. A hearty congratulations to you and your family!!

  28. Congratulations on your new arrival!

  29. This is outstanding work. You should be proud of it.
