My Master Bathroom reveal, featuring my favorite Moroccan Zellige Tile
Here I am, after literally two years of my master bathroom being complete, to finally share it with you! I don't know what it is, but I was just totally intimidated by taking non-food photos. What do you think? Did I make my Moroccan tiles look appetizing?
In case you weren't following along on Instagram, this bathroom was only an extremely narrow half bath when we bought the house. Since there was no full bath on the main level, we had to sleep upstairs for the first year and half or so after we moved in... two steep staircases from my laundry room. Oh, the horrors!
I know, first world problems.
Anyway, here's a before photo of the narrow bathroom:
To give you an idea of just how poorly this bathroom was designed, I not only added a full master bathroom to this area, but also created a NEW half bathroom. You can see the layout plans in my Instagram stories HERE, along with progress photos of the entire project.
Without further ado, I will let you scroll through these photos without my interruption for a minute. I'll add links to my favorite products we have in our bathroom!

By the way, I can assure you, those little corner shelves are actually very functional. I normally have several bottles of bodywash, shampoo, conditioner, and kid's soap, plus a few empty bottles that I never remember to throw away. I wasn't sure how to style everything for these photos since in real life I like things to be extremely functional.
For example, the shelf in this next photo is NOT where I actually keep this plant. My kids would definitely pick all the leaves off immediately. It's true function is to store an ugly basket full of ugly bath toys for the kids!
But I didn't think you guys would appreciate my ugly basket of ugly bath toys, so plants it is.
I am SO glad I splurged on the Moroccan Zellige tile from Cle Tile. I'm definitely dreaming about getting a neutral color for my kitchen backsplash. They're just so gorgeous and have so much character since each tile is unique.
Stay tuned, because I have big plans for my kitchen in the next year or so.
If you ever need me in the evening, you can find me here. With my lavender scented bubbles, glass of wine, and a good book.
Oh and here's a little iPhone photo of my little half bath I was telling you about. It's so tiny I literally couldn't even back up far enough to get a photo with my real camera. I just love that I was able to add this so that our master bathroom doesn't need to be used by guests and kids.
Beautiful tiles!