She's finally here!!!!
This sweet little lady was born almost three weeks ago now, and not a moment too soon. In fact, several moments too late, if you ask me. She was five days overdue, as anyone within a shouting distance of me was very tired of hearing in the last few weeks there.
Really, I'm sorry for being such a complainer, but imagine carrying around this chunky 9 pound 6 ounce baby in your belly for almost a week over the due date. Yes, that's right NINE POUNDS and SIX OUNCES. I am quite proud. Especially because she broke the record as the fattest newborn of all of her many cousins, which is quite an amazing feat, considering she was the 47th.
Just look at those rolls of fat on her arms!

In the end, I was really happy she was overdue because the labor went terrifically (only 3 hours total, despite her weight and the fact that she was sunny side up) and I wouldn't trade anything for this chub she grew during her extended stay.
In case you were wondering, I did have a much more pleasant hospital experience than last time (read all about the last one here). They gave me ice packs and hot packs galore this time and even brought me a comfier bed when I politely mentioned (okay, complained) that the one in my room was as hard as a bag of bricks.
Speaking of the last baby, look at him now. He is just so affectionate and sweet to this girl. As soon as he saw her, he started kissing her (with loud "mmMMAA" sounds, which he had never even done before that day) and putting french fries and chips in her hands (a sign of friendship, I think?).

Anyway, life is great with this sweet little baby. Thank you for so patiently awaiting the promised perfect brownie recipe (the baby interrupted my experimenting as you know if you follow me on Instagram). I'll try to get back to it as soon as we get all settled and accustomed to this whole keeping two babies alive all day thing.

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