First of all, I would like to notify you that I have posted some deliciously moist and secretly healthy banana bread over on Yammie's Glutenfreedom. Don't be afraid... you can make it with regular flour if you want.
Secondly, I would like to give you a few fantabulous ideas for Valentine's Day, since I love you.
1. Chocolate wine!
These were buy one get one freeee! I highly recommend. The one on the left is a nice red wine with a subtle chocolate flavor and the one on the right is a little like Bailey's. If I have any secret admirers out there that are over 21 and don't mind giving a sip or three of some good wine to a minor, you should totally get me one of these.
2. Flourless Chocolate Heart Towers.
I think I made these for Mom and Dad's anniversary once. They were outta this world.
3. Heart Shaped Red Velvet Nutella "Cinnamon" Roll Hearts
I know I just posted these a few days ago, but... you should totally make them.
4. Strawberry bride and groom!
My sister, Nemo, made these on the cake she decorated for Grandma and Grandpa's anniversary the other day. Sorry the photo is bad. It was dark out.
5. Chocolate Covered Strawberries with Sprinkles
Nemo also made these. She used a combination of colored sprinkles and pearly white ones. They remind me of champagne bubbles. Cute cute.
6. Chocolate Mountain Cake
You already know about this. The best cake of my life.
7. Chocolate Covered Strawberry Milkshake
I made this last year for Valentine's Day.
8. My Favorite Spaghetti Sauce
Because we all know this is the most romantic dinner ever.
9. Blackberry Cheesecake Tart
I nominate this recipe because of the colors. Beauty.
10. Red Bell Pepper and Olive Foccacia
I haven't made any artisan bread in a while. This one is cute with all the xoxo's. Hugs and kisses!
11. This Raspberry Zinger Cake

I made this before I knew how to take pictures, but it was still cute (and delicious).
12. Pink Ombre Cake.
The chocolate mountain cake might be my favorite ever, but this one is the best lookin'.
13. Raspberry White Chocolate and Dark Chocolate Truffle Torte
The white chocolate leaves are my favorite and they're so dang easy.
Well, sorry to leave on an unlucky number, but I can't think of any more things to show you. Have a cool day and don't forget to follow on Facebook and Twitter!
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